Famous Acne Treatment by Patterns

Treatment of acne by patterns may differ from standard to standard terms of traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, there are many types of acne treatment by patterns, will be adopted because of the different experiences and different individual medical standards. Because the causes of acne is complex and more moisture and heat, all types of acne treatment by patterns, not for everything. I personally think that any form of acne treatment by patterns is only part of the truth can be revealed, rather than everything on acne.

Advantages and disadvantages of the treatment of acne in the diagrams

Compared to other methods of treatment of acne in Chinese medicine, acne treatment by patterns is simple, very objective and easy to follow and understand. However, the disadvantages for the treatment of acne therapies are so obvious.

As we know from the perspective of Chinese medicine, syndrome differentiation is the rule of the utmost importance in any situation. In other words, practitioners of Chinese medicine need to select the correct treatment based on individual symptoms in people.

However, any type of acne treatment by patterns is a kind of cliche, and probably can not find the relevant standards. But for most doctors of Chinese medicine and for people with acne, acne treatment by patterns remains a useful and practical.

The type of acne treatment by patterns have three models

No. 1 - Acne Treatment Patterns: Heat accumulated in the channel of the lung

Symptoms of this form of acne treatment are:

• Acne breakout just begin;
• Yellow urine;
• Dry mouth;
• Facial itching;
• Pain, red swelling;
• Yellow tongue coating;
• Dry stools;
• Rapid, floating pulse.

This model of treatment of acne is most useful for the purification of the lungs of heat and cold blood.

Herbal medicines commonly used to treat acne model:

• Zhi mu (Anemarrhenae Rhizoma)
• Huang Qin (Scutellaria baicalensis)
• Chi Shao (Paeoniae Radix rubra)
• Sang Bai Pi (Cortex Mori Albae Radicis)
• Pi Pa Ye (Folium Eriobotryae Japonicae)
• Sheng Shi Gao (Gypsum fibrosum)
• Sheng Gan Cao (Glycyrrhizae Radix)
• Sheng Di Huang (Rehmanniae Radix)
• Jin Yin Hua (Lonicerae Flos)

No. 2 - Samples of acne treatment: Moist heat in the spleen, stomach

Symptoms of this form of acne treatment are:

• Acnes come and go
• Oily face
• A taste of bile in the mouth
• Mixed with bad breath
• With yellow-white grain-like particles
• Red tongue with greasy yellow coating
• Sticky stools and hard to clean up
• Rapid, stringy pulse
• Loss of appetite once in a while

This model is to clarify the treatment of acne, especially on heat and removing dampness.

Herbal medicines commonly used to treat acne Model:

• Bai Zhu (Atractylodis macrocephalae Rhizoma)
• Hou Po (Magnoliae officinalis Cortex)
• Bai Hua She She Cao (Oldenlandia Diffusa, Hedyotis Diffusa)
• Sheng Gan Cao (Glycyrrhizae Radix)
• Hua Shi (Talcum)
• Huang Lian (Coptis chinensis)
• Huang Qin (Scutellaria baicalensis)
• Yin Chen (Artemisiae scopariae Herba)

No. 3 - Acne Treatment Pattern: Accumulation of coagulated blood and mucus

Symptoms of this form of acne treatment are:

• Suffering from acne for a long time
• Painful when touching with hand, or rough skin like orange peel
• Dysmenorrhea, short period with scant menses or acne breakouts during period (female)
• Dark tone of tongue with thin coating
• Hard nodules
• Astringent pulse

Herbal medicines commonly used to treat acne model:

• Da Huang (Rhei Radix Rhizoma)
• Chen Pi (Citrus reticulata)
• Bai Zhu (Atractylodis macrocephalae Rhizoma)
• Bai Hua She She Cao (Oldenlandia Diffusa, Hedyotis Diffusa)
• Sheng Gan Cao (Glycyrrhizae Radix)
• Hong Hua (Carthami Flos)
• Shui Zhi (Hirudo)
• Tao Ren (Semen Persicae)
• Yi Mu Cao (Leonurus / Leonurus Sibiricus)
• Zhe Chong (Eupolyphaga seu Steleophaga)

These are the three options for the treatment of acne, the people, which is relatively simple, very objective and easy for most doctors of Chinese medicine and people follow with acne. If you suffer from acne and never had this before trying the treatment plant, why not to diagnose yourself.

Three Acne Treatments at Home that Work in 3 Days

What are the best treatments for acne at home? In fact, I'll leave something big "medicine for the skin" of the companies do not want you to know all the killers are the best references in your home.

Why pay $ 30 per month when it could easily be cured naturally for free? It is losing not only money ... But creams and lotions are natural leaders of the many negative side effects.

This is because they go against your body not for it…

The key is to stay away from any program, the monthly payment, do not. Showing 2 items only natural to apply now.

1) Essential Oils

Examples are tea tree oil, rose and oil of clove. You have to get rid acne in the fight against the elements of the buttons completely natural. Moreover, no negative side effects of conventional treatments.

But you may want to dilute

They can be very powerful when used alone. How is watered down? Everything we do is in the grape-seed mixture. Then place it before bedtime and wash in the morning. This is another treatment, acne at home, you should try.

2) Get more sun

Well ... This is not a cure-all "house" per se, but can be anywhere and it works.
Being outside is more effective because the sunlight, ultraviolet radiation, of course, kills bacteria.

3) Bean Tea

This is undoubtedly one, that is flying under the radar, but it works. Everything we do is take a bag in 1 liter of water to boil for about 10 minutes. Then, just take with chamomile tea and allow to cool before continuing. To do this, about 3 times a week, and you should see steady progress. This is one of the best acne treatments at home.

Acne Back Treatment

Back acne is a type of skin diseases in the back, not where the most common, such as face and neck. Modern science does not know exactly what could be the cause of the outbreak, but several factors contribute to this.

This shall be caused as tight clothing where it do not allow the skin to breathe and sweat trapped under the skin that leads to clogged pores. All kinds of mistakes in public is also on the back.

Back acne comes in the form of papules and pustules and blackheads and whiteheads. Whiteheads occur when the pores are clogged with bacteria die, sebum (or oil) and skin cells. Blackheads occur when pores are clogged, the some of the elements. Appear as small papules and red bumps on the skin and flat, like pimples, white or yellow pus-filled center. Kind of back acne is resistant to the treatment of acne, which appears at first glance.

If you suffer from acne back get rid of this problem in different ways. The most common way is to wash the area after sweating to reduce bacteria and oil. Over-the-counter medications such as salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide to clean pores, but need a solution in higher concentration than that used on the face. Tea tree oil can also help to eliminate acne with dry skin back to a thin layer over at least twice a day. Finally, try to wear cotton fibers during training, so that the pores to breathe and remain dry.

A serious approach may be necessary if the back acne is not known with over-the-counter products. Some other strong medication, which is to be determined, antibiotics like erythromycin or tetracycline. This works to kill the excess bacteria in the body, but The results last only for the treatment of acne is to be re-administered. Additionally, you can develop a resistance to antibiotics, from time to time.

If all solutions for acne treatment is not working again, or isotretinoin, accutane endeavors to the level of sebum the pores produce reduced. However, because it is much stronger, much more serious side effects.

Talk to your dermatologist about your options when it comes to the treatment of acne and pimples all over his body back and imperfections. He or she will move in the right direction.

Reviews of Acne Treatment – Which Acne Products or Treatment Really Work

A lot of people want to know if acne products really work? In the past, you could get the products of non-store prescription acne drug, but now, there are medicines against acne if different available from many sources. How many of us who have awakened to see the late night infomercials on acne treatments that have been developed by some genius doctors to sell the bottle for $ 39.95.

Then, there are many books and numerous articles, which boast of having found a new wonder drug acne. And do not forget that all natural acne medication prescription that can be made available for download for only $ 9.99. There are also famous people list of best acne treatment here or we have a cure for acne, which attract public attention because of real needs.

Do not get me wrong. I am not at all a skeptic, I just know that what is probably the drug for a single person in May against acne medication to anyone. A person maybe allergic to some home remedies for acne while others have responded well to laser treatment. Everyone needs to find the best treatment for them. The best acne treatment for some people is to use a laser. Usually this is expensive and not covered by insurance because it is considered cosmetic. I met people who are satisfied with the results. They feel more confident and is the direct result of where the drugs used against acne takes time.

Many people are choosing more expensive treatment products acne and cons of this way seems to work well for them and they are patient and when they see the results they are happy and if they are not open to other forms of treatment of acne. Watching the late night infomercials with the before and after taking pictures and crying is very convincing evidence. What I mean is some of these products makes sense, while some are, but not worth trying for those who have been disturbed sometimes for years with good vision and skin condition uncomfortable.

Then there is a best old fashion witch hazel and benzoyl peroxide you can get on the table in most drug stores to use for the treatment of acne. People who suffer with mild cases of acne responds well to common treatments for acne natural. Natural treatment of acne is a favorite for some because they are softer and contains less chemicals and refresh the skin.

There are several treatments for acne medication, products on the market that worked for someone at one time or another. All acne treatments work for all people who for some time and some people all the time, but never all the people all the time. So people must to do some research and tried many products available against acne and acne treatments until they find one that works best for them.